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User Time Action
Guest 13:13 Viewing the album "My Motobike" in the gallery
Guest 13:13 Viewing phoenix-s's profile.
Guest 13:13 Viewing "chaussettes" in the gallery
Guest 13:12 Viewing the album "Provence (avril 2007)" in the gallery
Guest 13:12 Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 13:12 Viewing the topic Topic unique Saint Seiya. (シナラムから日本へ)
Guest 13:12 Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 13:12 Viewing the topic Manga. (シナラムから日本へ)
Guest 13:12 Viewing the topic Dessins animés du moment. (シナラムから日本へ)
Guest 13:12 Viewing the topic Problèmes avec la haute technologie. (High tech)
Guest 13:10 Doing some unknown action in the gallery
Guest 13:10 Somewhere in the gallery, in a place you can't see... Scary huh?
Guest 13:10 Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 13:10 Somewhere in the gallery, in a place you can't see... Scary huh?
Guest 13:10 Viewing the topic Gundam, Macross, Yamato, LoGH, ou les sagas qui ne veulent pas mourir. (シナラムから日本へ)
Guest 13:09 Posting in Troisième Rive. (Foxprog)
Guest 13:09 Nothing, or nothing you can see...
Guest 13:09 Somewhere in the gallery, in a place you can't see... Scary huh?
Guest 13:09 Viewing the album "My Favs" in the gallery
Guest 13:09 Viewing the topic Problèmes avec la haute technologie. (High tech)
Guest 13:08 Viewing the album "test" in the gallery
Guest 13:08 Viewing the topic Animation Mondiale. (Cinétélébouquins)
Guest 13:08 Searching the forum.
Guest 13:08 Viewing the album "test" in the gallery
Guest 13:08 Doing some unknown action in the gallery
Guest 13:07 Registering for an account on the forum.
Guest 13:07 Viewing the album "My Favs" in the gallery
Guest 13:07 Viewing the topic Couché de soleil sur la Loire. (Le Photomavincz)
Guest 13:07 Viewing the board Foxprog.
Guest 13:06 Posting in Ecoles public VS Ecoles privée, Round 1 ! Fight !. (Le Photomavincz)